
New warehousing premises VPS Logistics Zdice – východ
Industrial zone: Exit 22 on the D5 motorway

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 ISO 9001 ISO 14001
Česká logistická asociace Our company is a member of the Czech Logistics Association
VPS Logistics, s.r.o.
Černín 91, 267 51 Zdice
Phone.: +420 311 545 121
Fax: +420 311 545 123

Washing reusable containers

We perform washing reusable transport containers for customer not only from car and food industry. The cleaning machine from company Peböck complies with all exacting requirements of our clients. All activities are performed in conformity with ISO 140001:2005, as the residual chemistry is disposed at a neutralizing station.

The standard procedure for washing of the containers involves these activities:

We offer hand washing for special-size packages or containers, which are already in an unsuitable state for washing in the cleaning machine.

The washed containers fulfil the requirements of ISO 16232 with a result A (B14/C-E15/F-I10); N (J-K0-1), which was proven by a independent laboratory tests of German company Gläser GmbH. The containers are free of dust, fat and grease, metal or plastic chip, residual oil or other emulsions.

Transportation | Customs declaration | Storage | Packaging

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